2009 Dates: SEPTEMBER 26 AND OCTOBER 3, from 10 am - 4 pm. Premium large prawns are $7/lb. Also, the best U.S. Farm-Raised Catfish fillets you have ever tasted (Lauren Farms Catfish, of course!) will be available in 2 lb. packages for $11.50.
Please CALL AHEAD OF TIME AND BOOK YOUR ORDER. 662-390-3528. We ALWAYS sell out and usually have to turn folks away (which is never fun). So, place your order before you come. And if you are coming after 1 o'clock, let us know so we will hold your prawns.
Don't forget your coolers and ice!
On a side note, there are plenty of fun things to do around the Delta if you are from out of town. Feel free to email me (prawnfarm01@yahoo.com) or call, and I'll be glad to give you any information you need for your Leland trip and directions to Lauren Farms.
Thanks so much for your support!
Dolores and Steve